Allright and welcome to this breath AND this moment Beloved, yes yes Malachite here, a merged consciousness within the expression human.
And so, once again unto the void; it's been some time since the bozo I merge through has created space to allow an expression from one such as myself to you in this format. Now one might ask: "Oh, is everything all right?” Of course it is; just him being in his humanity and healing from the inside out.
Speaking of such, how are you healing in these times? Last I shared with you, it was in the heights, depths, and widths of your COVID, the Environmental Virus, and here you are: Still Here! Oh the play of Consciousness dancing through All AND Everything so you can See, Smell, Hear, Taste, Touch and then some! May this find you with a replenished awareness, a saturated consciousness, and a merged frequency - what all that means simply beloved: May you be present and accounted for and able to embrace what's going on around you; because, whether you will agree or disagree, whether you like it or do not like it, whether welcomed in your mind or not, you are always saturated with what's happening around you… always immersed.
I have a question for you in these moments: is it enough? With all the stress of working it out/working it in, ascertaining what's correct & true, and all the other nomenclature and hierarchical belief systems in play, along with the Natural Elements of your planet - throwing a little water, kicking up a little dust, spewing a few rocks - reminding: you are a guest here. Is it? Hmm…
Oh, by the way, as you read the text, these words, simply “watch your breath”. Breathe In, pause, read a few more words, then let the air out, pause; read a few more words, breathe in, pause… keep up this metered expression and let's see how you feel in a few moments.
Beloved, what have you done wrong? Anything truly need be corrected? Maybe, more human compassion for your Self and each other as you're all still trying to make “this” work; trying to do the best you can. You've joined my club awhile ago, except you've forgotten to smile! You know my club: the FI Club: “just say fuck it - with a smile.” Haven't been smiling so easy? Saying fuck it without that smile does get uncomfortable, as I'm sure you are aware. So what are you doing with your uncomfortability? How are you embracing this Reality? How's it working out for you? I hear some of you have stopped reading news or you're picking different agency feeds, and you're shifting how you're playing on the social networks, etcetera etcetera… Beloved, you just need some time to INTEGRATE.
You have this belief you are separate from one another - you don't feel the same things, you don't think the same things, hmm. You're still looking at each other with awkward eyes, because you think it should be different. Remember all those decades ago: you all wanted Change, you wanted more love, you wanted people to be real. Now they're popping off all around, being as real as they want to be and as they can be. They're going to make their statement no matter what. So what does this mean for you? As you breathe in, pause, breathe out, pause: taking the moment, whether you're in your automobile, on the bus, subway, your bicycle, scooter, or being bipedal. Maybe you're sitting in the classroom, your desk at work, or just getting home; maybe you're watching the television, looking at one of your favorite streaming programs: please, just take a moment… like you are listening to these words.
Yes, take a moment and just check in. Recognize you accumulate energy - accumulate the day - and it's really important in these times to dust off, shake it out, do the fuckit dance - you'll be smiling! That’s it, put on your favorite music: shake, rattle, and hum with your machine (your form); shake it, roll around on the floor… you think I'm kidding! You will feel much better.
Realize this “reality” is about Communion: co-union, come-union, come-unity, come-unication, as the Atlantean frequency (Aronk) reminded. So, if you will allow yourself time to dust off the day and embrace the moment wherever, however, whenever, whoever, you are in the moment, I say unto your Soul: You will feel better immediately and you will recognize this reality is an exploration exercise being physical, right? You are Consciousness, remember? Spirit having a physical incarnation…. Yes.
Breathe Soul
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